sabato 10 luglio 2010

Kiko Haul

Last time I went to Kiko (to buy giveaway polishes) they gave me a coupon with a 20% discount from any on-line order. I couldn't resist so I bought a body care product (to cover shipping cost) and these (from left to right):
246 Microglitter Dark Cranberry
270 Sparkle Touch Aqua Paillettes
I really was in a pink-purple mood! Actually I expected a couple of them to be a little different (257 seemed more "lilac", for instance) but I'm really eager to try them on!

Quando sono stata da Kiko a prendere gli smalti per il giveaway mi hanno dato un buono sconto del 20% su qualsiasi acquisto on line. Ho resistito un po'...Poi mi sono comprata un prodotto Body Care (per ammortizzare almeno le spese di spedizione) e questi (da sx a dx):
246 Mirtillo Rosso Scuro Microglitter
270 Paillettes Acqua Sparkle Touch
Si vede che ero in giornata rosa-viola!! Qualcuno è abbastanza diverso da come me l'aspettavo (il 257 sembrava più lilla) ma non vedo l'ora di provarli!!

6 commenti:

  1. Nice haul, I like pink and purple :)

  2. @Alice alla fine oggi ho un CG blu!! Ma da domani swatcherò i Kiko!
    @xnosugaraddedx: they're still waiting for the right purple/pink mood, today I was in a blue one ;-) but it will come soon!
    @Shiny: thank you! Purple is my favourite colour, I often buy purple/lilac polishes!

  3. i have short nails for my hand how can i make them look long with nail polish........

  4. @skaki: you could try to leave some "clean" space at sides,without painting the whole nail (this works well with dark polishes) until they will grow a little...


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