Essence is releasing a lot of new polishes this spring, unfortunately in my area they are sold by Bipa shops only and usually they don't have Trend Editions polishes. At least at the end of April they displayed Nail Art novelties so I bought some "Twins".
These bottles are matched (one coloured base, one glitter top coat) but sold separately (€ 1,99 each :-)), their names are funny, calling to mind famous couples: this is the first one (eventually I bought all four sets *feeling guilty*): Bonnie and Clyde (pic. 1).
Base polish (Bonnie) is a nice teal and has a light consistence (at first I thought it was a jelly) but is completely opaque in just two coats: it's really nice also "on her own" (pic. 2).
Glitter-y top coat matched is Clyde, with sky blue glitter and silver square glitter; surprisingly it doesn't leave the nail surface too rough (I hate the sandpaper feeling), so I didn't use top coat after it.
Bonnie and Clyde match perfecly, I'm just sorry I had to took pictures indoor to have true-to-life colours, because it was overcast and the teal became light blue in pictures.
Picture 3 (clickable) shows:
Index: 2 coats Bonnie + 2 coats Clyde
Middle: 2 coats Bonnie + 1 coat Clyde (enough, IMHO)
Ring: 2 coats Bonnie
Pinkie: 2 coats Clyde
The following day it was sunny (but my index was already damaged by "typing with undried polish"), so I post just a couple of detail pictures (pic. 4 and 5).
Post-removing note: Bonnie stains! Even if I used base coat, a couple of nails remained blue as a Smurf!
Una delle novità Essence di questa primavera (una delle poche -purtroppo - che le Bipa della mia regione ha esposto, per le Trend Editions niente da fare :-( ): i Twins, due smalti abbinati, una base ed un "glitter topper" coordinato, venduti separatamente a 1,99 €.
La base (Bonnie) è un bel azzurro teal, dalla consistenza leggera (tipo jelly) ma completamente coprente in due passate. Molto carina, anche da sola (foto2).
Il glitter abbinato (Clyde) è composto da glitter azzurri e macroglitter quadrati color argento; non è neanche troppo ruvido, non ho messo top coat *e infatti subito ho grattato lo smalto scrivendo al pc*.
Ovviamente insieme stanno molto bene, nella foto (scattate all'interno per avere un colore abbastanza simile al vero) si vedono (foto 3):
indice: 2 strati di Bonnie e 2 di Clyde
medio: 2 strati di Bonnie e 1 di Clyde - secondo me sufficiente
anulare: solo Bonnie (2 strati)
mignolo: solo Clyde (2 strati)
Il giorno dopo ho fatto qualche foto con il sole (4 e 5) dove si nota la glitterosità ;-)
Nota post rimozione: Bonnie macchia, consiglio di stendere due strati di base (avevo certe unghie azzurro puffo)!